Our Services


BrainWorks welcomes referrals for adults who have experienced a change in their cognitive functioning. Neuropsychological evaluations typically include a clinical interview and a comprehensive battery of standardized tests that assess various cognitive domains, including intellect, attention, learning, memory, language, visual perception, speed of  information processing, and higher level executive functions, as well as mood symptoms and personality characteristics. In addition, a feedback session is scheduled to carefully review the results of the evaluation.

Medico-legal assessments and consultations are provided for attorneys and we accept a wide range of insurances. If we do not participate with a patient's insurance, we assist patients in using their out of network benefits.

What are the benefits of a neuropsychological evaluation?

Test results may be used to understand your situation in a number of ways. Testing might be used to identify problems related to medical conditions (e.g., stroke, tumor, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases, alcoholism). Test results may be used to differentiate among illnesses to direct treatment (e.g., Alzheimers disease, vascular dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and depression). These results can be used in conjunction with brain imaging and blood tests to allow for an informed diagnosis.

 Evaluation results play an important role in identifying problems in order to plan appropriate treatments to compensate for weaknesses. Studies have shown how scores relate to everyday functional skills, such as study skills, money management, driving, or readiness to return to work or school. This will assist all of your medical providers in guiding your plans for assistance or treatment.

Why a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Your doctor or healthcare provider has referred you for a neuropsychological evaluation. This evaluation may be of help in: 

  • 1)  finding possible problems with your brain functioning, 

  • 2)  forming a diagnosis, 

  • 3)  defining your thinking skill strengths and weaknesses, 

  • 4)  guiding treatment for your personal, educational, or vocational needs, 

  • 5)  making relevant recommendations to your health care provider(s), and/or 

  • 6)  documenting possible changes in your functioning over time. 

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation involves testing that is sensitive to problems in brain functioning. Unlike CT or MRI scans, which show what the structure of the brain looks like, neuropsychological testing examines how well the brain is working when it performs certain functions (for example, remembering). The types of tests that you will take depend upon the questions you and your doctor have. The tests may assess the following areas: attention and memory, reasoning and problem-solving, visual-spatial functions, language functions, sensory- perceptual functions, motor functions, academic skills, and emotional functioning. The tests are not invasive; that is, they do not involve attaching you to machines or using X-rays. Most of the tests will involve questions-and-answers, or working with materials on a table. Some tests may use a computer. The neuropsychologist will also spend some time talking with you about your medical, personal, and school history. The total time involved in your evaluation will depend upon the questions you and your doctor have. 

What will happen after the evaluation?

The neuropsychologist will schedule an appointment to go over the results with you. The neuropsychologist will give you specific recommendations to guide your treatment or otherwise help you in your daily life.